Ceci n’est pas un blog

Today I sanded down and restained a couple of frames, did some design work for some new frames (fingerprints and giraffes on their way!), and all but finished the “ceci n’est pas ceci n’est pas une pipe” piece.  I touched up the epoxy with some copper leafing pen to make it look all copper, and I spliced the top pipe and dropped a cross piece that has an elbow joined to an end cap.  I used transfer paper to print on a 4 point font.  To become clear the transfer paper needs an oil based varnish on top, and my pint sized jar of oil based varnish hardened up and died, so I used a drop of Damar varnish instead – it is oil based after all. It seems to work fine.

In the end, it’s a single continuous pipe, except for the magnifying glass.  I do like how the magnifying glass part looks like a question mark.

ceci n'est pas ceci n'est pas une pipe

Tomorrow I’ll be at TechShop.  I have some woodworking to do and have some time reserved on a laser cutter.  I’ll also do a bit more design work on their swanky computers and prepare something for the ShopBot CNC router so I’ll be ready to go once my nice carbide routing bit arrives.

I’ve also decided what do do with the “What would you enlarge?” piece: I’m going to make the frame out of a ruler or yardstick that I will miter cut and wrap around in a rectangle.  I was thinking of laser etching it, but it’s more fun if it’s the real thing repurposed, especially because the piece would be measuring itself.