I’ve taken a fairly long break from blogging. Instead, I’d been getting a lot of pieces finished in time for the “None of the Above” show last Friday, which, in case you’re wondering, was a great show! I’ve got several more pieces that I’d like to get done in time for Open Studios – specifically the pieces with objects that you look through – as they are really the culmination of the “Magnifying Glass” idea.
I’ve been taking a detour from the magnifying glasses with the Gas Mask series. These grew out of the magnifying glass series and took on a life of their own. I still have more pieces to make in this series, and I’m enjoying exploring the idea. One of the pieces was accepted to the Flax Open Studios preview show; it will be my first piece in a juried show. I’m also planning on submitting “Kiss Goodbye” to the California Slam sculpture show at the St. Luis Obispo Museum of Art. I also plan on using the image of “Kiss Goodbye” on my new artist cards – from the right angle it makes a heart.
I’ve just posted a whole slew of new images to the 2011 – Art section of the site and moved 2010 pieces to their own section. I’ll be blogging more about these pieces in the days to come. I’d like to get my ideas down before I forget about them.