Frames and more

Today I spent time working on custom frames.  This is a final version of the one I was working on yesterday, this time cut out of MDF instead of plywood.  I’m not exactly sure what the image (or probably text) will be. Not sure if the frame should be the subject.  If so, maybe something like “look around” or maybe “stop ignoring the big picture”.  If you look closely, you’ll see that the frame uses a magnifying glass motif:

This next piece took a bit of math and a lot of frustration with the software to produce.  It’s supposed to evoke a fly’s eye, with circles instead of hexagons to relate to the magnifying glass. In the very center, I plan on putting either the image of a fly, or maybe a small plastic one (or, if I’m feeling creepy, a real one encased in resin).  Either that, or I may repeat the image of a fly in each circle. I think it may look best with a thick blocking behind it.  There are a couple of spots where the borders are imperfect, but I think it’s benign:

I also worked on the pennies again.  I went to the bank and got a couple of roles.  I then cleaned the shinier ones with Brasso and put two coats of black spray paint on them.  I then burned it off in 4 passes.  Unfortunately, the heat of the laser causes oxidation, but I was able to clean them again with Brasso.  I’m not sure if the text is dark enough to be easily readable.  I don’t mind if it’s difficult to read – it will focus the viewer more – but if it’s not noticeable, then I won’t use them.

My last activity of the day was learning how to use a ShopBot CNC router.  It’s an impressive machine, with probably the worst software I’ve ever seen.  Shame, as it makes it much more complicated than it should be.  I do plan on using it a bit – just need the appropriate project.