Today I spent some time on a laser working on the Mandelbrot piece again. Instead of just using the Mandelbrot set as decoration, I’ve made the piece itself fractal. It resembles itself in that it repeats the Mandelbrot set and magnifying glasses on multiple planes of depth. I’d show a photo, but they didn’t come out at all on my phone’s camera. I’ve used shiny black acrylic this time to get a mirror effect, and to go with a black plastic magnifier. Unfortunately, I think it’s too dark and may need to jazz it up a bit. FYI, in the center, on the backmost plane, I will have circle with the text “It’s turtles all the way down.” Added bonus is that the Mandelbrot looks vaguely turtle-ish. I’m debating on decorating the piece with turtles.
I also decided what do to with the doll chain ring. I will etch on the text “So it goes” over and over. Bravo to those who catch the reference. I was contemplating using a list of bombed cities, but it seemed a bit too obvious – too much like a war memorial. This is more cryptic, and from the bomber’s perspective, more appropriate.