So, I bought a rifle scope which I plan on featuring in a piece:
The magnification is pretty much telescopic, so it’s difficult to work with. I’ve been playing with various mirrors, lenses and prisms to form an acceptable sized image that’s sharp.
I have three ideas so far:
- Have the scope pointing down at a magnifying mirror and reflecting back up at your face. This puts the your other eye in the crosshairs. Unfortunately, this only works half the time, since it depends which eye you look through.
- Have a series of lenses an mirrors/prisms between an image and the sight forming a complex optical path. The text would say “Trick shot”.
- Have the viewer look through the back side of the scope. With the addition of magnifiers, I’d hopefully make the image big enough to be viewable. The image would display text “This is the view from the business end.”
Any opinions?